Sunday, January 8, 2012

Become a writer, Remain a writer

How to tell the world that you are a writer? People will either dismiss you with a laugh or think that there is something wrong with you but very few will take you seriously. It happens to the most of us. You are not considered a writer until your name appears on the cover of a book or in the credit list of a movie.

The truth is that you become a writer the moment you decide to be one and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your career starts when you write or type the first word of your book or screenplay. But you have to keep on writing each day to remain a writer. 

This is where a dogged determination helps. Some days will be good – you will feel inspired and write some brilliant pages. Some days will be not so good – you will sit and stare at the monitor or the blank page, unable to write a single word. You will doubt your ability, feel frustrated and wonder if you are wasting your time. Why not just give it up and do something else? Take a nap, watch TV or hang out with friends. If you succumb to the negative thoughts, you won’t remain a writer for long. You will start to lose interest and your dream project will remain just that – a dream.

A determination to go on is the quality that separates published or produced writers from thousands of others. Don’t give up. Never give up. If you write just one page every day, you will have a screenplay in just over three months. But if you don’t write, you won’t have anything to show in support that you are a writer.

So write with discipline and determination and have patience. When you are writing, cast away all your worries, anxieties, fears and frustrations. Just concentrate on writing a powerful screenplay or novel with lively characters and memorable dialogs because that is your job and commitment as a writer. 

1 comment:

Perri said...

YES! I love this post! It's inspiring to hear the words that we can be writers as soon as we set our minds to it. I have only told a handful of people that I even write - afraid of what comments may be awaiting me, so this post really hit home :)